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1.1 / An Introduction

This plan, which guides us toward our bicentennial and beyond, matters to all members of the Trinity community

Bold Learners, Inclusive Community, Engaged Citizens

2.1 / First-Choice College

Design a distinctive, relevant liberal arts education that positions Trinity College as a first-choice destination for students, faculty, and staff

2.2 / Hartford & the World

Connect the Trinity College community to the Hartford region and the world beyond to empower individuals and transform the world

2.3 / A Sustainable Future

Build on Trinity’s historic past to ensure a vibrant, sustainable future

Our Path to the Summit

3.1 / How We Started Down This Path

It took a lot of good work to put us on this path in the first place.

3.2 / The Path Ahead

What we plan to accomplish moving forward

3.3 / Our Progress to Date

The distance we've traveled and the goals we've achieved so far
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1.1 / A strategic plan for the future of Trinity College

Set on Summit Street in the capital city of Hartford, Trinity College is where the liberal arts meet the real world. Since it opened its doors in 1823, founded in the Episcopal tradition and rooted in principles of religious and academic freedom, Trinity has remained steadfastly committed to providing a liberal arts education that is both relevant and timeless.

Today, as we look toward the college’s bicentennial, we do so in the context of a world in which technology has led to innovations we couldn’t have imagined a half-century ago; in which scholarship has advanced understanding of our history, ourselves, and our planet; and in which our lives on campus can connect to those around the globe in ways that are at once instantaneous and enduring.

Ideals and Goals

At the same time, we contemplate our future and that of the College in a challenging moment. Higher education has a singular role to play in creating knowledge, promoting inquiry and freedom of expression, and developing citizens who think critically, embrace complexity, and engage across differences in building a free, just society.

Trinity College is distinctly positioned to advance these ideals and meet these considerable responsibilities, all the while attending to the stability and sustainability of this historic institution. The strategic goals we set forth here will serve as our roadmap in this all-important work. As we pursue our goals, we affirm our values as an institution of integrity and intellectual vitality and as a community that encourages innovation, builds resilience, promotes balance, and instills the joy of lifelong learning.

  • As a small, residential liberal arts college in a state capital, we can provide a distinctive, rigorous educational experience that will equip students with the perspectives, knowledge, and skills to advance society. We have a responsibility to bring together students, faculty, and staff from different backgrounds and to challenge and empower them to be active campus community members and global citizens.
  • As an engine of innovation and creativity in one of the most socioeconomically, culturally, and ethnically diverse cities in the country, we can meaningfully connect the classroom and the world. We have a responsibility to be a virtuous institutional citizen, to be a leading partner in advancing the Hartford region, and to demonstrate for our students the power of education to transform the world.
  • As participants in a nearly 200-year old educational idea, we can create a built environment that fosters collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and realize opportunities to secure lasting financial strength. We have a responsibility to steward this college for future generations and to embrace environmental and financial sustainability as fundamental values.

It is our collective endeavor—our ability and our responsibility—to envision the Trinity we want to be and to pursue it unwaveringly. Together, we will honor the college’s history as we ascend to an ambitious new summit in the years ahead.

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2.1 / First-Choice College

Design a distinctive, relevant liberal arts education that positions Trinity College as a first-choice destination for students, faculty, and staff.

The What

Connect the curriculum more fully to the college’s mission, including its valuing of guided self-reflection and experiential learning, articulating clearly what defines a Trinity liberal arts education

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Christopher Hager, Charles A. Dana Research Associate Professor of English, on the importance of connecting the curriculum more fully to the college's mission

The How

  • Ensure that degree requirements emphasize subject matter expertise, skills, proficiencies, and experiential engagement outside the classroom
  • Integrate opportunities for all students to reflect on their learning and passions, incorporating technology and innovative pedagogy
  • Adopt new measurable college-wide learning goals that align with the college’s mission and address academic, personal, and leadership development

The What

Prepare students for success inside and outside the classroom in a dynamically changing world

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Sonia Cardenas, dean of academic affairs & strategic initiatives and professor of political science, on the importance of preparing students for success inside and outside the classroom

The How

  • Strengthen first-year pre-orientation and orientation, other first-year programming, and the Bantam Network to lay the groundwork for academic success, intellectual risk taking, balance, and civic engagement
  • Strengthen advising programs and campus initiatives that assist students in choosing a major and nurture community values and shared responsibility
  • Strengthen career development and internship opportunities that leverage our location in a diverse, vibrant capital city and the state of Connecticut and our devoted network of Trinity alumni and parents, including by cultivating industry-specific networks

The What

Attract and retain the highest caliber of students, faculty, and staff

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
President Joanne Berger-Sweeney on the importance of attracting the highest caliber of students, faculty, and staff

The How

  • Build financial aid resources and use them strategically to attract and support a high quality and engaged student body that embraces a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives
  • Ensure competitive salaries and benefits and enhance resources to support and recognize faculty in their scholarship, teaching, and professional development
  • Ensure competitive salaries and benefits for staff and opportunities for their enrichment and professional development
  • Deploy communications efforts to convey more effectively the Trinity story to prospective students, faculty, and staff

The What

Foster an inclusive campus community that embraces diversity and complexity, engages across differences with integrity and empathy, and participates actively in the life and governance of the College

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
President Joanne Berger-Sweeney on the importance of fostering an inclusive campus community

The How

  • Reduce financial barriers for all students to access the full Trinity educational experience
  • Enhance resources to support an increasingly diverse community of students, faculty, and staff where all are welcome
  • Develop learning opportunities, in collaboration with students, to advance cross-cultural understanding and bridge divides in the classroom, in student activities, athletics, and in residential communities
  • Improve internal communications and strengthen governance structures to align with iterative institutional planning, increase collaborative engagement, and build trust among the Trinity community
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2.2 / Hartford & the World

Connect the Trinity College community to the Hartford region and the world beyond to empower individuals and transform the world

The What

Take advantage of our urban setting by providing enhanced support for and promotion of curricular and experiential engagement in the city of Hartford and the surrounding region

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Pablo Delano, professor of fine arts, on taking advantage of our location in Hartford

The How

  • Enhance research, course, internship, and co-curricular opportunities for learning in and around Hartford as a distinct feature of the college
  • Reduce barriers (financial, transportation, and other) to connect classroom learning to experiential learning
  • Develop Trinity’s downtown campus at Constitution Plaza, in collaboration with local partners, as a hub for experiential liberal arts

The What

Redefine and recommit to Trinity’s role in advancing the Hartford region

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Pablo Delano, professor of fine arts, on Trinity's role in advancing the Hartford region

The How

  • Articulate a vision for coordinated, enhanced community engagement and provide the resources and support for achieving it
  • With surrounding neighborhood organizations and area institutions, advance or develop coordinated, sustained long-term partnerships that support urban solutions and local economic development
  • Effectively convey the story of Trinity’s relationship to Hartford with prospective students, alumni, local and regional public officials, and the national media

The What

Educate students to become global citizens, on campus and abroad

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Stella Tangiyan ’20 on the importance of educating students to become global citizens

The How

  • Reduce barriers (financial, curricular, and other) to study away and global engagement, providing all Trinity students with access to global experiences
  • Ensure that study away programs align with the College’s mission and are sustainable, bolstering their integration with campus academic experiences
  • Increase globally engaged faculty and promote global engagement in the curriculum, including emphasizing our distinctive transnational connections to Caribbean and Latin America communities abroad and in Hartford
  • Leverage Trinity’s international alumni and parent network to increase student opportunities for academic and professional networking experiences abroad
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2.3 / A Sustainable Future

Build on Trinity’s historic past to ensure a vibrant, sustainable future

The What

Renew Trinity’s historic campus and plan a physical environment that fosters community and learning both inside and outside of the classroom

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, associate professor of history and secretary of the faculty, on the importance of the campus's physical environment

The How

  • Establish a collaborative and transparent process for participation by the campus community in facilities and green-space planning and prioritization of new projects and deferred maintenance
  • Develop facilities plans for academic and student life spaces that facilitate collaboration and interdisciplinary learning (including the chapel, residential facilities, and athletics spaces)
  • Develop plans for college-owned properties on the edges of campus, continuing to partner with neighborhood associations and area institutions in enhancing the surrounding areas
  • Strengthen and leverage digital and technological resources to enhance learning and support the work of staff in advancing the college’s mission
  • Working with our partners, develop plans for the maintenance and improvement of our study-away sites

The What

Steward Trinity’s resources to achieve long-term financial sustainability

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Danny Meyer ’80 P’20, member of the board of trustees, on stewarding our financial future

The How

  • Build the endowment to support mission-related investments and to provide for the college’s financial strength in the future
  • Strengthen existing and build new programs that generate revenue, serve Trinity and the region, enhance our core mission, and accommodate an evolving population of non-traditional students and life-long learners
  • Aggressively and creatively pursue partnerships and efficiencies to make the best use of resources on campus and in the surrounding region
  • Assess, continually and rigorously, opportunities for cost savings that do not compromise our core mission or values
  • Enhance fundraising efforts broadly and plan and undertake a comprehensive fundraising campaign to support our vision

The What

Embrace and promote urban environmental sustainability as a fundamental value of the college

Help Us Achieve Our Goal
Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, associate professor of history, on the importance of environmental sustainability in an urban campus environment

The How

  • Develop achievable, ambitious goals for environmental sustainability in an urban setting; track and report on progress toward them
  • Provide the infrastructure to support our environmental goals
  • Work actively to uphold the goals articulated in the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment to develop a plan for achieving carbon neutrality, take action to significantly reduce greenhouse gases in the interim, and provide public access to and updates on our climate action plans
  • Develop curricular and campus programming (e.g. internships and classes) to embed environmental sustainability into the academic and campus experience, engaging students, staff, and faculty intellectually in pursuit of these goals and fostering shared responsibility
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3.1 / How We Started Down This Path

Celebrate Summit

Nearly 200 students, staff, and faculty joined President Berger-Sweeney on December 5, 2017, for the official launch of the strategic plan. The festivities provided an opportunity for members of the campus community to discuss the goals and ideals of the Summit Plan and to find out how to get involved in implementing the plan.

Transition from Planning to Implementation

On November 8, 2017, the Bicentennial Strategic Planning Committee steering committee, together with cabinet members, officially handed off the strategic plan to the new President’s Coordinating Group. The coordinating group is charged with overseeing and advancing the implementation of the strategic plan.

Board of Trustees Approves Strategic Plan

At their October meeting, trustees voted unanimously to approve the final strategic plan, endorsing with enthusiasm the bold goals of the plan and the course it sets toward the bicentennial and beyond.

Draft Strategic Plan

Built from the committee reports and with the input of many community members, a draft strategic plan was shared publicly at the start of the fall semester, with an invitation for feedback on the ideas and aims articulated in the plan.

Draft Committee Recommendations

President Berger-Sweeney shared the draft reports and recommendations of the five BSPC committees with faculty, students, staff, alumni, and parents, and invited feedback and suggestions from the community.

Bicentennial Strategic Planning Retreat

The steering committee and members of the five subcommittees—more than 70 members of the college community—engaged in a day-long retreat on campus focused on the preliminary recommendations of each committee and the alignment of those recommendations with the college’s new mission statement.

Engage. Connect. Transform.

After a nine-month process that began with the board of trustees in January 2016 and continued with faculty, staff, and students in spring 2016, the college introduced a new mission statement reflecting the evolving vision, values, and educational goals of the college, emphasizing our grounding in the traditional liberal arts and our distinctiveness as a college located in and engaged with a global capital city. The new mission statement helped guide the ongoing work of the Bicentennial Strategic Planning Commission.

Campus-wide Kick-off

In a lively Common Hour event at the Cave in Mather Hall, faculty, staff, and students came together to meet members of the planning commission and explore the areas of focus: Partnering with Hartford; A Global College; Learning and Skill Development Inside and Outside of the Classroom; Resources; and Facilities and Environmental Sustainability.

President Berger-Sweeney invites membership to the Trinity Bicentennial Strategic Planning Commission

Nominations continued through June; appointments to the steering committee and five subcommittees were made by summer 2016.

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3.2 / The Path Ahead

In the coming months, we will develop feasible implementation plans to make more specific and concrete our strategic initiatives and to achieve our goals and objectives. These plans and the tactics they set forth will require the collective commitment and creative energy of students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, neighbors, and friends.As we advance with a shared sense of purpose, we will engage the Trinity community in developing these plans, carrying them out, and assessing progress toward our goals in the years ahead.

This plan is a guide toward the future we imagine for Trinity College at its bicentennial in 2023. It is meant as a living document that will undoubtedly — and necessarily — evolve over time. We will seek to remain flexible to meet challenges that arise and seize opportunities that emerge, and we will do so by fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In measuring the effectiveness of this plan, we will look toward the Bicentennial in 2023 and a set of broad indicators of success we hope to reach by then. Many more specific metrics of success will be included in detailed implementation plans that will grow from this strategic plan.

Our broad indicators of success will include:

  • Higher yield of top students and consistent success in hiring first-choice faculty and staff
  • Improved retention, graduation, and job/graduate school placement rates
  • Improved campus climate (overall satisfaction of students, faculty, and staff; increased participation in the life and governance of the College)
  • Increased engagement of alumni, parents, and friends (including giving participation, overall fundraising, and participation in volunteer and leadership activities)
  • Coordinated plan for community engagement and enhanced reputation for our role in advancing and connecting with the Hartford region
  • Reduction in our impact on the environment; leadership in promoting urban sustainability
  • Financial equilibrium (including balanced budgets, a strengthening of financial aid resources, and significant growth in Trinity’s endowment)

A note about college rankings: While we don’t believe that any ordinal ranking of colleges can adequately paint a comprehensive comparative picture of institutions, we understand the importance of rankings to many prospective and current members of our community. We hope and expect to climb in college rankings in the years to come. But we do not articulate that as a goal in and of itself here; rather, we choose to focus on those indicators that we value, many of which are, in turn, valued by those whose job is to rank colleges.

As we plan for the future, we acknowledge and honor our rich past and build on the important work of those who came before us. In 1893, 70 years after the founding of the College, Bernard Christian Steiner asserted in his book The History of Education in Connecticut, “a prosperous future seems destined for Trinity College.”  A half-century ago, in a societal context that was at least as tumultuous as today’s, the College embarked on its first sustained effort at continuous, long-range planning, with committees that considered whom the College should educate; to what purpose the College should educate; and the College’s relationship to its environment—local, national, and international.

Today, in a world of new challenges and opportunities, our ambitions for the future of Trinity College are grounded in the same fundamental questions about the College’s greater purpose and its relevance in the world. At the core of our endeavor is our belief in the distinctive power of a twenty-first century liberal arts education, one that prepares students to be bold, independent thinkers who lead transformative lives.

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3.3 / Our Progress to Date

We are charting the way forward by following the strategic initiatives outlined in the plan, developing specific tactics and action steps, adapting to new information and ideas, tracking our progress systematically, and, most importantly, working resolutely together toward this shared vision for the future.

Implementation Themes

We’ve organized the initiatives in the strategic plan into five cross-cutting implementation themes that will be overseen by division leadership working within a shared governance framework. In that framework, relevant governance bodies (faculty, staff, students, trustees) participate and collaborate meaningfully according to their responsibilities, and all constituents (including alumni, parents, and community partners) are included in the conversation.

  1. Designing a 21st Century Liberal Arts Education
  2. Enhancing Student Access, Equity, and Opportunity
  3. Fostering Success and Engagement in the Workplace
  4. Stewarding Physical and Financial Resources
  5. Advancing the Institutional Mission
Summit Core Goals
Summit Core Goals

President’s Coordinating Group
This multi-constituent, cross-functional team will oversee and advance implementation of the strategic plan and is charged with:

  • Designing a robust implementation framework in which coordinating group members provide crucial feedback and help foster new collaborations and synergies across campus
  • Modeling shared governance and inclusive engagement among all constituents of the college
  • Promoting the strategic plan widely, including by regularly updating the community on our progress toward Trinity’s strategic goals

Trinity’s Center for Analytics and Strategic Initiatives will work with the Coordinating Group to support data-informed planning. The group’s membership is:

President’s Cabinet

  • Sonia Cardenas, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Political Science
  • David Andres, Associate Vice President and Chief Data and Analytics Officer

Faculty Members by Academic Division

  • Barbara Karger, Associate Professor of Theater and Dance
  • Takunari Miyazaki, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Associate Professor of Computer Science
  • Garth Myers, Director of Urban Studies & Raether Distinguished Chair of Urban International Studies
  • Jennifer Regan-LeFebvre, Faculty Secretary and Professor of History

Student Government and Staff Councils

  • Elizabeth Landell-Simon and Nancy Fleming, Non-Exempt Staff Council
  • Katie Clair, Exempt Staff Council

Administrative Divisions

  • Joe Barber, Director for the Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement
  • Pat Moody, Director of Academic Finance
  • Marcia Phelan Johnson, Budget Director

Supporting Participants

  • Mary Grace Duffy, Facilitator
  • Bill Salka, American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow, 2017-18

Tracking Our Progress

The Coordinating Group will receive updates from the implementation theme groups and report on our progress quarterly, the first of these expected in March 2018. You can sign up to receive these quarterly updates via email.

On Wednesday, November 8, the BSPC steering committee, together with cabinet members, officially handed off the strategic plan to the new coordinating group. The coordinating group now will meet monthly.


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Help Us Achieve Our Goals

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved.

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Sign up to receive updates

This website will be updated regularly with specific progress toward plan goals and objectives, recaps of milestones that we’ve already cleared, and new events. If you’d like to receive periodic updates on progress, simply fill out the form below. Updates will occur quarterly, starting with the first update in March 2018.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goals

Thank you so much for your time and contribution. If you left contact information, a Trinity representative will reach out to you soon to follow up.

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Summit: A Strategic Plan for the Future of Trinity College

Set on Summit Street in the capital city of Hartford, Trinity College is where the liberal arts meet the real world. Since it opened its doors in 1823, founded in the Episcopal tradition and rooted in principles of religious and academic freedom, Trinity has remained steadfastly committed to providing a liberal arts education that is both relevant and timeless.

Today, as we look toward the College’s bicentennial, we do so in the context of a world in which technology has led to innovations we couldn’t have imagined a half-century ago; in which scholarship has advanced understanding of our history, ourselves, and our planet; and in which our lives on campus can connect to those around the globe in ways that are at once instantaneous and enduring.

At the same time, we contemplate our future and that of the College in a challenging moment. Higher education has a singular role to play in creating knowledge, promoting inquiry and freedom of expression, and developing citizens who think critically, embrace complexity, and engage across differences in building a free, just society.

Trinity College is distinctly positioned to advance these ideals and meet these considerable responsibilities, all the while attending to the stability and sustainability of this historic institution. The strategic goals we set forth here will serve as our roadmap in this all-important work. As we pursue our goals, we affirm our values as an institution of integrity and intellectual vitality and as a community that encourages innovation, builds resilience, promotes balance, and instills the joy of lifelong learning.

  • As a small, residential liberal arts college in a state capital, we can provide a distinctive, rigorous educational experience that will equip students with the perspectives, knowledge, and skills to advance society. We have a responsibility to bring together students, faculty, and staff from different backgrounds and to challenge and empower them to be active campus community members and global citizens.
  • As an engine of innovation and creativity in one of the most socioeconomically, culturally, and ethnically diverse cities in the country, we can meaningfully connect the classroom and the world. We have a responsibility to be a virtuous institutional citizen, to be a leading partner in advancing the Hartford region, and to demonstrate for our students the power of education to transform the world.
  • As participants in a nearly 200-year old educational idea, we can create a built environment that fosters collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and realize opportunities to secure  lasting financial strength. We have a responsibility to steward this College for future generations and to embrace environmental and financial sustainability as fundamental values.

It is our collective endeavor—our ability and our responsibility—to envision the Trinity we want to be and to pursue it unwaveringly. Together, we will honor the College’s history as we ascend to an ambitious new summit in the years ahead.


Bold learners. Inclusive Community. Engaged Citizens.

As the preeminent liberal arts college in an urban setting, Trinity College prepares students to be bold, independent thinkers who lead transformative lives.

Goal #1: Design a distinctive, relevant liberal arts education that positions Trinity College as a first-choice destination for students, faculty, and staff


Connect the curriculum more fully to the College’s mission, including its valuing of guided self-reflection and experiential learning, articulating clearly what defines a Trinity liberal arts education

  • Ensure that degree requirements emphasize subject matter expertise, skills, proficiencies, and experiential engagement outside the classroom
  • Integrate opportunities for all students to reflect on their learning and passions, incorporating technology and innovative pedagogy
  • Adopt new measurable college-wide learning goals that align with the College’s mission and address academic, personal, and leadership development

Prepare students for success inside and outside the classroom in a dynamically changing world

  • Strengthen first-year pre-orientation and orientation, other first-year programming, and the Bantam Network to lay the groundwork for academic success, intellectual risk taking, balance, and civic engagement
  • Strengthen advising programs and campus initiatives that assist students in choosing a major and nurture community values and shared responsibility
  • Strengthen career development and internship opportunities that leverage our location in a diverse, vibrant capital city and the state of Connecticut and our devoted network of Trinity alumni and parents, including by cultivating industry-specific networks

Attract and retain the highest caliber of students, faculty, and staff

  • Build financial aid resources and use them strategically to attract and support a high quality and engaged student body that embraces a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives
  • Ensure competitive salaries and benefits and enhance resources to support and recognize faculty in their scholarship, teaching, and professional development
  • Ensure competitive salaries and benefits for staff and opportunities for their enrichment and professional development
  • Deploy communications efforts to convey more effectively the Trinity story to prospective students, faculty, and staff

Foster an inclusive campus community that embraces diversity and complexity, engages across differences with integrity and empathy, and participates actively in the life and governance of the College

  1. Reduce financial barriers for all students to access the full Trinity educational experience
  2. Enhance resources to support an increasingly diverse community of students, faculty, and staff where all are welcome
  3. Develop learning opportunities, in collaboration with students, to advance cross-cultural understanding and bridge divides in the classroom, in student activities, athletics, and in residential communities 
  4. Improve internal communications and strengthen governance structures to align with iterative institutional planning, increase collaborative engagement, and build trust among the Trinity community

Goal #2: Connect the Trinity College community to the Hartford region and the world beyond to empower individuals and transform the world


Take advantage of our urban setting by providing enhanced support for and promotion of curricular and experiential engagement in the city of Hartford and the surrounding region      

  • Enhance research, course, internship, and co-curricular opportunities for learning in and around Hartford as a distinct feature of the College
  • Reduce barriers (financial, transportation, and other) to connect classroom learning to experiential learning
  • Develop Trinity’s downtown campus at Constitution Plaza, in collaboration with local partners, as a hub for experiential liberal arts

Redefine and recommit to Trinity’s role in advancing the Hartford region

  • Articulate a vision for coordinated, enhanced community engagement and provide the resources and support for achieving it
  • With surrounding neighborhood organizations and area institutions, advance or develop coordinated, sustained long-term partnerships that support urban solutions and local economic development
  • Effectively convey the story of Trinity’s relationship to Hartford with prospective students, alumni, local and regional public officials, and the national media

Educate students to become global citizens, on campus and abroad

  • Reduce barriers (financial, curricular, and other) to study away and global engagement, providing all Trinity students with access to global experiences
  • Ensure that study away programs align with the College’s mission and are sustainable, bolstering their integration with campus academic experiences
  • Increase globally engaged faculty and promote global engagement in the curriculum, including emphasizing our distinctive transnational connections to Caribbean and Latin America communities abroad and in Hartford
  • Leverage Trinity’s international alumni and parent network to increase student opportunities for academic and professional networking experiences abroad

Goal #3: Build on Trinity’s historic past to ensure a vibrant, sustainable future


Renew Trinity’s historic campus and plan a physical environment that fosters community and learning both inside and outside of the classroom

  • Establish a collaborative and transparent process for participation by the campus community in facilities and green-space planning and prioritization of new projects and deferred maintenance
  • Develop facilities plans for academic and student life spaces that facilitate collaboration and interdisciplinary learning (including the chapel, residential facilities, and athletics spaces)
  • Develop plans for College-owned properties on the edges of campus, continuing to partner with neighborhood associations and area institutions in enhancing the surrounding areas
  • Strengthen and leverage digital and technological resources to enhance learning and support the work of staff in advancing the College’s mission
  • Working with our partners, develop plans for the maintenance and improvement of our study-away sites

Steward Trinity’s resources to achieve long-term financial sustainability

  • Build the endowment to support mission-related investments and to provide for the College’s financial strength in the future
  • Strengthen existing and build new programs that generate revenue, serve Trinity and the region, enhance our core mission, and accommodate an evolving population of non-traditional students and life-long learners
  • Aggressively and creatively pursue partnerships and efficiencies to make the best use of resources on campus and in the surrounding region
  • Assess, continually and rigorously, opportunities for cost savings that do not compromise our core mission or values
  • Enhance fundraising efforts broadly and plan and undertake a comprehensive fundraising campaign to support our vision

Embrace and promote urban environmental sustainability as a fundamental value of the College

  • Develop achievable, ambitious goals for environmental sustainability in an urban setting; track and report on progress toward them
  • Provide the infrastructure to support our environmental goals
  • Work actively to uphold the goals articulated in the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment to develop a plan for achieving carbon neutrality, take action to significantly reduce greenhouse gases in the interim, and provide public access to and updates on our climate action plans
  • Develop curricular and campus programming (e.g. internships and classes) to embed environmental sustainability into the academic and campus experience, engaging students, staff, and faculty intellectually in pursuit of these goals and fostering shared responsibility


A Path to the Summit

In the coming months, we will develop feasible implementation plans to make more specific and concrete our strategic initiatives and to achieve our goals and objectives. These plans and the tactics they set forth will require the collective commitment and creative energy of students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, neighbors, and friends. As we advance with a shared sense of purpose, we will engage the Trinity community in developing these plans, carrying them out, and assessing progress toward our goals in the years ahead.

This plan is a guide toward the future we imagine for Trinity College at its bicentennial in 2023. It is meant as a living document that will undoubtedly — and necessarily — evolve over time. We will seek to remain flexible to meet challenges that arise and seize opportunities that emerge, and we will do so by fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In measuring the effectiveness of this plan, we will look toward the Bicentennial in 2023 and a set of broad indicators of success we hope to reach by then. Many more specific metrics of success will be included in detailed implementation plans that will grow from this strategic plan.

Our broad indicators of success will include:

  • Higher yield of top students and consistent success in hiring first-choice faculty and staff
  • Improved retention, graduation, and job/graduate school placement rates
  • Improved campus climate (overall satisfaction of students, faculty, and staff; increased participation in the life and governance of the College)
  • Increased engagement of alumni, parents, and friends (including giving participation, overall fundraising, and participation in volunteer and leadership activities)
  • Coordinated plan for community engagement and enhanced reputation for our role in advancing and connecting with the Hartford region
  • Reduction in our impact on the environment; leadership in promoting urban sustainability
  • Financial equilibrium (including balanced budgets, a strengthening of financial aid resources, and significant growth in Trinity’s endowment)

A note about college rankings: While we don’t believe that any ordinal ranking of colleges can adequately paint a comprehensive comparative picture of institutions, we understand the importance of rankings to many prospective and current members of our community. We hope and expect to climb in college rankings in the years to come. But we do not articulate that as a goal in and of itself here; rather, we choose to focus on those indicators that we value, many of which are, in turn, valued by those whose job is to rank colleges.

As we plan for the future, we acknowledge and honor our rich past and build on the important work of those who came before us. In 1893, 70 years after the founding of the College, Bernard Christian Steiner asserted in his book The History of Education in Connecticut, “a prosperous future seems destined for Trinity College.”  A half-century ago, in a societal context that was at least as tumultuous as today’s, the College embarked on its first sustained effort at continuous, long-range planning, with committees that considered whom the College should educate; to what purpose the College should educate; and the College’s relationship to its environment—local, national, and international.

Today, in a world of new challenges and opportunities, our ambitions for the future of Trinity College are grounded in the same fundamental questions about the College’s greater purpose and its relevance in the world. At the core of our endeavor is our belief in the distinctive power of a twenty-first century liberal arts education, one that prepares students to be bold, independent thinkers who lead transformative lives.

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We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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Help Us Achieve Our Goal

We’re grateful for your help—be that an idea, an offer to volunteer, your own story and inspiration for others, or a bit of your time, energy, and passion. Simply fill out this short form and let us know how you’d like to be involved in achieving this goal.

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